Now some disclaimers:
I know you could use other bundlers like webpack, vite or any other, but using those add a lot of complexity and overhead to the project (and in some cases, duplication of files even). I felt that this task ended in the "over engineered" part of web development, I only cared about having a spec files to pull dependencies in a predictable manner and to create an optimized version of these assets for faster response times.
Another thing that made me think "there should be an easy way of doing this" is that I'm not adding a lot of frontend files, you could even say this solution is overkill. But the thing is that I always try to not repeat myself so even if I don't add any NPM packages, I'm adding some utilities that I build to reuse across my own projects, and since I'm actually working on them constantly, version them is also really important to no break compatibility, so a package manager is really useful here instead of copying realese assets everywhere.
And don't get me wrong, vite is an awesome tool to handle frontend applications, but it wasn't the right choice for this use case.
All that being said, I would be happy to be corrected if there's also another way to archive this.